Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Most Beautiful Feeling

A friend of mine asked me this question today...

"What is the most beautiful feeling that you've ever felt in your life?"

I paused and pondered for a while.
"The feeling of achievement."  

To me, it's the best feeling ever. You work hard for something and getting reward for your hard work is the best feeling you can ever have. 
If I can get something without putting a lot of effort into it, I probably won't appreciate it that much.

The point is...
The feeling of achievement is something I cannot get all the time. In order to achieve something, I had to go through and experience all the other feelings, which I would say negative feelings. Stress, depression, anger, and impatience are some of the negative feelings that can't be avoided. 

Maybe we don't have to have happy thoughts and tranquil feelings all the time. We need to experience other negative feelings, so that we can appreciate the positive feelings. Maybe this is what a balanced life is.

As cliche as it sounds,
You need to experience sadness in order to understand the true happiness.

I just needed to jot this down before I forget. It might not really relate to my thesis, but at least it relates to emotions so.... 

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